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Define target audience – Who is your target audience?

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Why do I need to know my target audience?

In order not to waste the energy you put into your marketing, you should know as precisely as possible which people consume/use your product.

Because the less accurate you are, the more expensive your Facebook ads will be, for example.

Likewise, the potential customers who are actually interested in your business will be less convinced because your offer is not specific enough to them.

If your company has been around for a while and you now want to take the step into the digital world, you have the best prerequisites because you already know your customers. Here you should now find your new customers in the digital world.

If you want to start your business directly online, you have to help yourself in another way. The easiest thing to do is to think about who you want to address. Once you have a rough answer, it is advisable to prepare a small interview with these people. This interview should help you to identify the problems and needs of your target group. It is important that you let the people speak and not just rattle off questions. Listen to their stories and draw conclusions about the problems they face. Communicate your conclusion and ask your interviewees for confirmation if they are correct. 

Once you’ve conducted a few interviews, you’ll know roughly what your target audience’s needs are, and you’ll be ready to run your first ad. Facebook is a suitable advertising platform for almost all target groups. With your new knowledge you can create an ad that appeals to your target group. Do not expect sales after the first ad. This is just to do more market research. Direct the ad to a blog post on your website and then analyze all the data from the Facebook ad and your website (Google Analytics). You’ll be amazed at how much you can see in the numbers. Do you want help with Facebook Ads? I will be happy to advise you.

In general, a well-defined target audience will help you to create relevant content, be it for your social media platforms or for your blog.

Try to generate added value by solving or addressing the problems typical for your target group. Ideally, you’ll manage to motivate or help your readers in such a way that they feel a small sense of achievement, or feel like they know something more and are one step ahead after consuming your content.

These days, there’s so much competition online, as well as in the real world. It makes sense to take some time and think about how you can add value to your visitors. Satisfied visitors will come back and share your content. 

Always remember: the target audience knows the target audience.

People like to meet people who have the same interests.

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