Pagebuilder – Effects on SEO and Extensibility?

Page builder websites are also called website building kits (Jimdo and co.). You can register on their website and directly start building your own website. You can imagine this in the same way that you can select the paint for a finished car. As a user of such a platform, you are let loose on a tool without any prior knowledge, which is supposed to help you create a supposedly professional website.
Page builder websites and SEO
Since you “only” have to do the design, which in most cases turns out to be a big job after all, you have very limited access to the technical aspects of the website. At first, as a customer, you hardly care. No, you are probably glad that there are not so many buttons and we don’t even talk about codes and programming.
The bitter truth shows up later, when the site is finished and not a soul sees your content and your offers.
Google optimizations on page builder websites (Jimdo and co.):
Due to the non-existing access to the code base of such a website, practically no optimizations are possible, which results in Google not listing you and your offers or only listing them very far down.
We have had several cases where we have completely rebuilt Jimdo websites as Webentertainer websites and brought them from the third-fourth page to the first page of Google.
Important: No one can promise you that your site will rank on the first page or among the first three. Only Google knows this secret. If someone promises you that, then you should become suspicious and question the whole thing more closely. However, we at Webentertainer can promise that you can greatly improve your chances with a high-performance Webentertainer website.
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