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E-Mail Module for SEO outreach and WooCommerce workflows

What problems does the WordPress module solve? Simpler, reduced, unified backend UX for new and existing website which generates a…

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WordPress SEO workflow process

Reproducible SEO workflows We recommend implementing a reproducible SEO workflow so you can eliminate the guesswork from Google organic traffic. At Orbitype, we have gained experience in many projects we have implemented with our web agency and wondered how we can enable our clients to provide all relevant tools in one dashboard SEO without ….

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Seo workflow and task management for WordPress blogger

Seo Workflows for WordPress users As a WordPress blogger or website owner, you can’t avoid the topic of SEO. Hours are spent looking for keywords and other SEO tasks for which you can optimize blog posts or website content. There are already many tools that help you to add keywords to your website, but …

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Content marketing and content upgrades in detail

Content upgrades – active monetisationA widespread type of active monetisation is to provide so-called content upgrades for blog posts. These are usually in the form of audio books or videos on a certain topic. Monetisation with content upgradesBy the way, this works the same way in reverse. If you provide a podcast or video series …

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More about the Facebook Funnel

Facebook Funnels are an interesting topic. It involves or touches many topics. For a functioning Facebook Funnel, in most cases…

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What to automate & what not to automate?

Small businesses in particular should urgently automate parts of their day-to-day operations in order to have more capacity to serve…

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Passive Monetisation Part 2/2

Product recommendation Another way to monetize your website is to recommend products. The process is roughly as follows: First, your…

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Passive Monetisation Part 1/2

To passively monetize your website, there are also options, but not as many as active monetization. Internet advertising (Google AdSense)…

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Active Monetisation Part 2/2

Passive and active monetization (that’s what we call it at Webentertaier) differs in whether the website visitor effectively has to…

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Active Monetisation Part 1/2

By “active monetization” of a website, we at Webentertainer understand that the website visitor must clearly decide to buy a…