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Technical website optimisation = competitive advantage

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Technical optimization of your website (competitive advantage)

As soon as the server, the CMS, the design, the texts and the images are on an acceptable level, it’s time for the technical optimization of the website. At the latest here most laymen stop and leave their website as it is.  

Optimized website for more reach, sales and cheaper ads

However, stopping is a big mistake, because if you ask yourself what you need your website for (reach, sales, collecting contacts, etc.), the final optimization is by far the most important part of the whole project. If you want your website to be found by potential customers, you always have to step it up a notch. Google only lets the best ones up. The others should pay for paid ads. If your website is only found through paid advertising, it will be relatively expensive. Even with paid advertising, the prices depend on the quality of your website. This means something like:

Poor website = more expensive ads; Optimized top website = cheaper ads.

But all these issues cannot be foreseen when you start to create your website yourself. Also, maintaining the website on your own, because even websites need maintenance, is a big extra effort (even quite a big one) for non-professionals. The problem is, once again, that you don’t realize it until it’s too late and then you have a broken website, which in no way represents your company, nor is it displayed in the top ranks of Google. You realize that this project is not easy to manage and when you finally get it done, it’s still far from over. If you don’t have time or it’s all too complicated for you, then take a look at our offer. At Webentertainer we take care of everything complicated for you and also continuously make sure that your website is securely stored, high performing and always top maintained so that you only have to worry about the content.

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