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E-Mail Module for SEO outreach and WooCommerce workflows

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What problems does the WordPress module solve?

Simpler, reduced, unified backend UX for new and existing website which generates a simpler editing experience for non-tech users.

Extremely fast navigation even on WordPress websites with extremely many plugins that slow down the backend a lot. (Orbitype accesses the database separately “external backend”)

Simplifies the text editor Gutenberg

Indirect Automatic whitelabeling of all installed plugins by outsourcing all backend tasks that serve to manage the content of the website.

The combination with the other modules creates useful synergies in the workflows. Especially the SEO module is deeply integrated into the WP module and allows a simple highly precise yet understandable breakdown of complex SEO data.

Allows free development as the module adapts to CPT and ACF (basic text fields).

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