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Search engine advertising and paid social media marketing

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  1. Search engines organic
  2. Search engines paid
  3. Pull marketing
  4. Push Marketing
  5. Social media advertising organic
  6. Social media advertising paid
  7. Target group
  8. Funnel
  9. Minimum advertising budget
  10. General indications for organic reach
  11. General paid reach cues

Organic search engines

Search engines like Google and co.: These are responsible for the long-term success of a website and should be regularly fed with new blog posts (approx. every 4 months 1 post with at least 300 words and well-structured).

Search engines paid

Google advertising can be roughly divided into two categories. On the one hand, there is the search network (pull marketing) and the display network (push marketing).

Pull marketing

With the search network, the advantage is that people have a problem, and you can advertise the solution to it right away. These advertisements are displayed directly in Google search.

Push marketing

The Display Network is particularly useful for building awareness of a brand or product. These ads are not broadcast in Google search, but on third-party websites.

Social media advertising organic

Posts on social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter also contribute to the long-term expansion of reach. Similarly, links which are shared on social media are also recognised by search engines such as Google and also contribute to organic search engine optimization.

Paid social media advertising

Paid social media advertising usually falls into the category of “push marketing”. Nevertheless, there is often an opportunity here to select the target audience so precisely that this is almost equivalent to traditional pull marketing.

My favourite for paid social media advertising is Facebook’s.

Target audience

Facebook has an incredible amount of members that pretty much every audience imaginable exists on Facebook.  In order to reach the right people, detailed targeting is necessary. This means that first and foremost, you have to be very clear about who your product or service is for. In a second step, you should think about how you can identify these people as precisely as possible based on their industry, their interests, or their demographic data (such as gender, age and level of education).

You can also define the exact area, in which countries, cantons or districts this advertisement will be broadcast. For example, you can always display the ad within a 10- kilometer radius of a shop’s branch.


After that, you should be clear about the process through which you want to screen the targeted people. There are many possibilities here. Depending on how much effort you want to put in and how much return you expect, you can choose here whether you want to keep the users on Facebook to make them an offer directly there, or whether you want to direct them to the website so that they leave their contact details there or start an appointment request.

There is always the question of how strongly pre-qualified the people who have come through this so-called “funnel” ultimately are. You don’t want to receive 30 inquiries and then no one from these 30 contacts you again, because they simply signed up without thinking twice. You would rather have 10 inquiries, of which 5 turn out to be successful.

This can be achieved if the people are redirected to the website where they find a detailed offer and read it through. In this way, one can save oneself a lot of work, as one only has to deal with the seriously meant inquiries.

As I said, this is a very comprehensive topic and if you try to start such a campaign, you have to make sure that you have made all the settings correctly. Otherwise, it can quickly become a bit more expensive.

Minimum advertising budget

I would recommend 20 CHF/day as the minimum budget for an advertisement that is used to collect contact data, regardless of whether it is within Facebook or on your own website.

The campaign should also run for at least 5 days so that the Facebook algorithm can collect enough data to send the ad to the right people.

The ad itself can be created in different formats. The most common are text & image and text & video. Facebook rewards video ads with additional reach. There are also many factors to consider when creating an ad, such as too bright colors on the image (leads to less reach), or does the text match the content of the image, etc.

It is worth taking some time and planning an online advertising campaign carefully.

General advice for organic reach

It is not worthwhile to write a lot of short posts that do not make much of a difference in terms of content.

It is better to write a few, but high-quality posts that are interesting to read. The rest of the time, you should spread these good posts on social media.

General advice for paid outreach

During the duration of a paid advertising campaign, one should check at least once a day whether there have been any comments or questions and answer them as quickly as possible. Although search engine advertising does not generate comments that should be answered, you should still keep an eye on the campaign because Google automatically adds more keywords to increase the reach. These additional “keywords” can often not be very targeted and cause unnecessary additional costs. For this reason, one should observe this and, if necessary, remove the said keywords again.

With a little help, the whole thing is not very difficult to implement.

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