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Passive Monetisation Part 1/2

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To passively monetize your website, there are also options, but not as many as active monetization.

Internet advertising (Google AdSense)

On the Internet, the concept of “providing advertising space on your own website” for other companies is the most widespread. In order to advertise on the Internet, there are always two parties. There is one party that wants to advertise and another party that offers an advertising space on its website. In this scenario, in which we want to earn money by sharing an advertising space on our site, we are the second party.

There are several providers that allow us to place advertisements from other companies on our website. The most popular one is Google AdSense. Google AdSense offers a good possibility to choose which topics can be advertised on your website. It also offers the possibility to explicitly exclude certain advertisements or your competitors from your advertising space.

Display network of Google

We always see different advertisements. This means that when you go to your website, you see different ads than when I go to your website. This has to do with the fact that the ads are played dynamically, based on data that Google has collected about you over time.

Advertisements are now displayed, which are switched in the display network of Google. (Push Advertising) 

Provide advertising space for ads on the Internet

Passive monetization in this form is particularly suitable for blog operators or small online magazines. Of course, anyone can release advertising space with their website and earn money with it, but you should carefully consider whether or not this is in the interest of your own business. Logically, one would not want to send potential clientele to websites of other providers. 

The payment of the earned money takes place from a minimum amount of 10 francs. You can’t say exactly what you will earn, but you can expect about 5 to 10 centimes per click on an ad. For long viewing of an ad you will get about one centime. As you can probably tell from these numbers, you need a relatively large number of website visitors to make passive monetization worthwhile for you. Of course, you can include it right from the start and expand your reach at the same time. The “AdSense” service does not cost money, but earns you money (this is important to know).

Placement of the advertisements

For the placement of the advertisements there are different possibilities. Either you define the exact size and location where the ads should be placed or you leave Google the freedom to automatically find places on the website where ads can be placed. This is usually the better option for small blogs, because it allows Google to automatically pick the most effective (and best paying) ad spots for you. This saves you a lot of time and makes you more money.

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