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More about the Facebook Funnel

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Facebook Funnels are an interesting topic. It involves or touches many topics. For a functioning Facebook Funnel, in most cases you need an image or video ad, an ad text and a landing page on your website. There should also be a form there that collects contact information and sends it to an email automation program.

Facebook Funnel Basic Idea

You first have to come up with an offer that adds value to the advertised person and invites them to get in touch with your company.

There are various ways to build a funnel and many workflows to do so. There are (almost) no limits to creativity.

Automate Facebook Funnel with Chatbots

Nowadays, there are automated chatbots on Facebook (ManyChat), Slack bots or emails. Emails are the easiest option in my opinion, as everyone can operate their email tool, and you contact the people at work or they otherwise take the time to check their emails. With Facebook messages or even WhatsApp messages, these marketing messages quickly get lost. In addition, many people find it very intrusive to be contacted with a private message on Facebook or WhatsApp (where it has even been banned).

E-mail contacts are safer

That brings us to the next topic: changes in advertising policies at Facebook or Google. If these companies ban the use of chatbots on Facebook, for example, then all your work is for nothing and your funnel is useless. Emails, on the other hand, no one can take away from you. You are not on “rented land” here. Email contacts you have forever, no matter how the advertising policies are adjusted in any company. That’s why this tool lends itself so well.

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