content marketing

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Content marketing and content upgrades in detail

Content upgrades – active monetisationA widespread type of active monetisation is to provide so-called content upgrades for blog posts. These are usually in the form of audio books or videos on a certain topic. Monetisation with content upgradesBy the way, this works the same way in reverse. If you provide a podcast or video series …

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Content marketing in various forms

Content marketing is the art of using content to generate reach on Google, Facebook and all other social media platforms.…

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WordPress in the long run

WordPress offers a wide range of third party plugins to help you build your website. They help you to implement the design and to place your newsletter forms in the right place. Few extensions focus on the long-term maintenance of a WordPress website. We at Orbitype have made it our mission to make life easier for you, the website owner, so you can do the same for your customers.