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Seo workflow and task management for WordPress blogger

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SEO workflow and task management for WordPress users

As a WordPress blogger or website owner, you can’t avoid the topic of SEO.

Hours are spent looking for keywords and other SEO tasks for which you can optimize blog posts or website content. There are already many tools that help you to add keywords to your website, but only a few that allow you to analyze your content, customize it and see relevant keywords to the content of your blog post or website.

A good SEO workflow involves several phases.

This workflow great for your monthly SEO tasks and your daily SEO tasks list:

  1. Analyze SEO Content – Retrospect
  2. land – Active processing of the new findings
  3. Expand – Expansion of the SEO range
  4. Repeat the Orbitype SEO Workflow

Analyze – Retrospect

Normally, you need various tools to implement such a SEO workflow on your WordPress website. With Orbitype it is possible to do all these things directly in your writing environment.

Orbitype is connected to your Google Search Console and your WordPress site and scans all Google data for relevant keywords for your content. This is the analysis part.

When we know how our website is doing at the moment, we can start to optimize it. To let Google know that changes have been made to your website, you can also click on a button called “Index at Google” directly in your writing environment, which will inform Google that your content is new and needs to be indexed.

Land – Active processing of the new findings

In the next days or weeks, you should see visible improvements in the analysis charts of Orbitype.

All content, even categories and tags of your WordPress website will be synchronized with Google Search Console and visualized in your Orbitype dashboard, so that you have an optimal and detailed overview of the SEO status of your website at any time.

Expand – Expansion of the SEO range

Once you have optimized your existing content, you can expand into other keyword groups.

Orbit Type has several tools built in to make your keyword research as easy as possible. Directly next to your writing you will find a button which displays Google search matching search suggestions to your post. You can use these as longtail keywords and expand your post or create a new one.

If you want to enter a completely new topic area and rank on Google for it, you can use the SCO Research Tool which is also located in your Orbitype Dashboard.

With this tool you can create in a few clicks very detailed and extensive keyword lists which will help you to write new posts for your WordPress blog.

If you also have a Woocommerce store, you can export your keyword research to a Google campaign with one click, saving you hours or days of tedious keyword research for advertising campaigns.

Repeat the Orbitype SEO Workflow

This should be your ongoing SEO tasks list. With an SEO workflow like this, you can continuously and traceable expand in Google search and attract new customers or readers. With your free Orbitype account, you can easily perform these optimizations. It’s important to mention that Hobby Type connects to your website and allows you to semi-customize all your website content in Orbit, so you never have to leave the tool and can focus on your content.

Blogger Outreach for SEO Backlinks

If you want to contact other blogs to negotiate backlinks for your posts, you can use Orbitype’s built-in email client, which allows you to directly and easily manage your emails alongside your website content. So you have everything you need for your WordPress blog and can work efficiently on your growth.

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