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Email marketing & Co. – communication channels but which ones?

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If you believe all these Internet gurus, you quickly realize that many are just chasing the latest trend, but often forget that end users and website users like to find their way and then keep it that way.

Communication channels

Especially when you ask yourself the question: How do I communicate with my customers? There are many options: Email, Facebook Messenger, LinkedIn messages, Instagram messages, WhatsApp and x others.

Keep in mind that with each additional channel you offer, you have to check one more channel for new messages. If you are looking for a solution that is widely used and very established, you will end up with emails. Many voices say that emails are old and email marketing doesn’t work anymore. However, emails have some big advantages over all these messengers.

Advantages of emails:

Emails don’t force the other person to respond immediately.

Collected email addresses are yours. (FB Messenger contacts are owned by Facebook and can be put at risk by changes in their policies).

Email is the most used communication medium in the world and will remain so for many years to come.

Once an email address is collected, further communication is free.

All age groups are familiar with email.

As you can see, email marketing is far from dead and is still one of the most effective and easiest online marketing tools available.

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