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15 reasons for Orbitype the WordPress SEO tool

1. Google SEO easy to understand The Google data is visualised in an easy-to-understand way. You will find all your necessary Google SEO data linked in statistics and representations. 2. It directly helps you to improve your SEO Orbitype gives you an overview of your website. It shows you directly what you can work on…

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WordPress Setup and Wp-Admin Alternatives

The private end user benefits from an external admin panel, as complexity is taken out of recurring workflows, thus causing fewer errors. The faster and easier editing, as well as the combination of useful third-party tools in the admin panel, allow for a more efficient management of the website. Due to the fact that third-party…

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Wp Headless with decoupled admin panel

It is possible to combine a WP-Headless installation with an external admin panel. For more complex website constructs, this can be very helpful as you can have the advantage of a modern frontend as well as a modern admin panel without having to build your WordPress website from scratch. Step-by-step renewal of a WordPress website…


Seo & Workflow focused WordPress Admin alternative Orbitype

The WordPress admin area is great for creating a website. Many plugins are installed to the creation are unavoidable. This becomes a problem as soon as the creation of the website is finished. Too many plugins have pop-ups and makes the whole user interface (WP-ADMIN) very confusing for everyday adjustments. Orbitype provides a pleasant working…